El IBEF ha publicado un artículo en la edición de primavera de la revista Pavement Preservation (FP2). Este artículo, escrito por Hamidreza Sahebzamani y Xavier Guyot, destaca cómo el IBEF…
100 years of bitumen emulsion
Field investigation of material layer properties for emulsion
Field-performance of-bitumen-emulsion-CCPR
Stabilization of Wet Mix Macadame with Emulsion
AfPA Australia to phase out hydrocarbon cutters
SENEGAL Circular MITTD SENEGAL http://ibef.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/IBEF-Circulaire-du-MITTD-SENEGAL.jpg/
IBEF – ASPHALT EMULSIONS FOR PAVEMENT PRESERVATION PPJ WINTER-2016 The article appears with the permission of FP2 Inc https://www.fp2.org./
PPRS Paris 2015 : assessment and perspectives
IBEF SITEB Il summit di Parigi sulla manutenzione et conservazione della strada
Les émulsions de bitume en 2010 : une année charnière