Click to see Abstract Anna d’Angelo

Overview from Australia on the use of emulsion

Etienne LE BOUTEILLER – IBEF: what about the use of cutters in Australia?
Anna D’ANGELO: The majority of spray seals operation is done using hot cutback bitumen, however, industry is working towards the reduction of cutters in spray sealing. One of the options to reduce and transition to the elimination of cutters is the use of bitumen emulsions.

Maria del Mar COLAS VICTORIA – ATEB: What´s about safety with cutbacks?
Anna D’ANGELO: Safety as well as environmental concerns are the drivers for the work underway to move towards the reduction and elimination of cutters.

Etienne LE BOUTEILLER – IBEF: How fast the micro surfacing market is developing?
Anna D’ANGELO: It is still very slow and limited. in the past some failures occurred that have created skepticism within industry. However, some contractors are involved in R&D to improve the performance of the product.

Mauricio SOUZA – BETUNEL: What about the uses of prime emulsions in Australia. Any technical or operation restriction?
Anna D’ANGELO: Emulsion primer cure far more rapidly than cutbacks and this allows the final surfacing treatment to be applied after several weeks rather than months. An issue with traditional emulsions has always been the low early or green strength. It was also noted that emulsions may achieve limited penetration compared to cutbacks. However, despite this, bitumen emulsions have been successfully used on numerous projects. In addition, recent research and development on bitumen emulsion have shown that higher penetration is possible.

Etienne LE BOUTEILLER–IBEF: How do you use rubber in micro surfacing?
Anna D’ANGELO: This is under development by a contractor

Xavier GUYOT-TIPCO ASPHALT: Is Cold in Place or In Plant recycling with emulsion used in Australia?
Anna D’ANGELO: Unfortunately, this is not used – while there is an increasing use of RAP Australia has not embraced the concept of cold in place recycling yet

Stephane CHARMOT-INGEVITY: What is the purpose and documented benefit of crumb rubber in micro surfacing?
Anna D’ANGELO: This technology is being developed by a contractor – I believe the addition of crumb rubber can improve the flexibility of the treatment

Sebastien CHATARD-SAMI: Prime are mainly used for prime and unfortunately It is difficult to convince the stakeholders to shift to emulsion.
Anna D’ANGELO: I meant cutbacks are mainly used for prime.

Eric JORDA-ARKEMA – Why using cutback for spray seal instead of ASS like for dust suppression? Is there a technical reason?
Anna D’ANGELO: Spray seal treatments in Australia traditionally use cutback bitumen, there is a limited use of cationic emulsion due to the long haulage distance. ASS, being slow set emulsions, are suitable for soil stabilisation work, surface enrichment and dust laying while rapid set emulsion are preferred for spray seal applications where there is the need to open to traffic quickly.

Click to see Abstract Dawid ZYMELKA

Promotional materials for the development of the use of bitumen emulsions

Etienne LE BOUTEILLER-IBEF: In Tarnow, was is with Anna Pekalska?
Dawid ZYMELKA: Yes, Mrs. Anna Pekalska was engaged to the project of building the first emulsion installation in Poland. At this plant, she has developed the technology of bitumen emulsions production and application throughout all her professional activity. Mrs. Pękalska has cooperated with the Emulsion Commission for many years, making a significant contribution to the implementation of emulsion European standards in Poland. She is currently retired.

what about cold mixes in Poland?
Dawid ZYMELKA: I think that a commonly used technology related to cold mixes is deep recycling with emulsion and cement. The first attempts to use grave emulsion mixes also has been made in Poland, but such mixes are not very popular.

Any use of hot spray in Poland?
Dawid ZYMELKA: The technology of surface dressings based on hot bitumen is not used in Poland. For surface dressings we use bitumen emulsions only.

Anna D’ANGELO – AfPA: Do you use cutback bitumen? what cutters do you use?
Dawid ZYMELKA: We don’t use cutback bitumen in Poland. The fluxed bitumen technology is used for the production of bagged cold asphalt mixes for surface repairs only. But oil-based fluxants are in use.

Click to see Abstract Carlo Giavarini”

The uncertain future of refineries and fossil energies: impact on the road industry.

Etienne LE BOUTEILLER-IBEF: what impact of IMO on bitumen quality and consistence?
Carlo GIAVARINI: 2020 was expected to be a turning point for both the oil and bitumen market, in the whole Europe as a consequence of the new IMO 2020 regulation. The framework has been turned upside down by the pandemic spread of the Covid-19 and the IMO impact was not so clear. Apparently the bitumen availability was not sensibly affected; the quality was certainly not improved at a global level ( the trend towards lower performances has continued).

François CHAIGNON RdF-SFERB: A lot of refiners is moving from oil to other kind of energy ; what is the future for bitumen? We see this effect in France with TOTAL closing refinery.
Carlo GIAVARINI: The future of the bitumen, in the medium-long term, will depend on the path followed by the refining sector to reorganize its low-carbon production. Some refineries will specialize in bitumen production (we already have two examples in Italy); some other refineries will abandon the bitumen production. Bitumen could produce good economic advantages, its quality will probably be more controlled, but its price will surely increase.

Anna D’ANGELO – AfPA: What alternative is there to bitumen?
Carlo GIAVARINI: At the moment, with the present (and near future) mobility scenario I do not see any alternative to bitumen for road pavements. The technical and economic advantages of bitumen are well known . The only competitor is cement concrete; in spite of having a number of drawbacks, it will surely gain some market shares, but not enough to dispossess bitumen from its position. Probably the road bituminous binders will become more complex, regularly incorporating various other materials and additives, such as polymers, fibers, etc.

François CHAIGNON RdF-SFERB: The French State decided to invest in hydrogen production
Carlo GIAVARINI: The energy carrier hydrogen, produced by water electrolysis, is shaping up as a game-changer in the fight against climate change and as mobility actor. Numerous projects are devoted to electrolytic “green” hydrogen production, by using wind and solar energy. Waiting for a massive production of green hydrogen, the production of “blue” H2 from methane (followed by CO2 sequestration) will surely grow.

WACHE Arnaud-(IRELAND) COLAS: What has been the impact of COVID on bitumen production in Italy ? in Europe ?
Carlo GIAVARINI: In Italy we did not have any impact on bitumen production due to Covid. The 2020 production and consumption was higher than in 2019. A similar trend was shown by other European countries.

Veress TIBOR-HAPA: May be the quality of bitumen will increase again?
Carlo GIAVARINI: In the last years the quality of bitumen has generally not improved, for a number of reasons that it will too long to mention. The use of additives has grown to increase the asphalt performances.

François CHAIGNON RdF-SFERB: not yet

Eric JORDA–ARKEMA: what about biobased binders, could they really increase in the future?

Anna D’ANGELO–AfPA: What the future of specification for bitumen in Europe?

François CHAIGNON RdF-SFERB: Everything is stopped due to issues between the European commission and CEN.

Click to see Abstract Brice DELAPORTE

Update of the Safety Guide for binder plants and actions after covid-19 to relaunch calls for tenders

Etienne LE BOUTEILLER-IBEF: What about safety regulations at the European level?
Brice DELAPORTE: The safety regulations (ex:environment code, labour code) are supervised at the national level. The guide is then well adapted to the French context.

Xavier GUYOT-TIPCO ASPHALT: Is the guide available in english?
Brice DELAPORTE: Not at this step. A translation could be considered if there are interest and requests (it is a public document).

Eric JORDA-ARKEMA: 15% for infrastructure in France, has the emulsion use followed the same trend? Or was there an increase of maintenance vs new construction?
Brice DELAPORTE: The figures are not yet available for emulsion or asphalt mixtures but the trends should be the same according to our first feedback. We don’t have the evolution of maintenance vs construction. It is not necessarily correlated to the emulsion production; usually we noted in the past the same trends for emulsion and for asphalt mixtures.

Click to see Abstract Etienne LE BOUTEILLER

Results of the 2017 – 2019 Worlwide survey

Mario JAIR (Guest): It seems a very low expectation of growth…reasons???
Etienne LE BOUTEILLER: The safety That is correct. The industry should be ambitious, learning from the success of countries such as Mexico, France and Brazil. If the emulsion use was at the same level of these countries, total worldwide volumes would exceed 30 million metric tons. Such a goal is based on real data and is achievable. It is not a dream.

Mario JAIR (Guest): For European colleagues…After years of use… What is your opinion on the application of European emulsion regulations? Has it helped to increase the use of emulsions?

Etienne LE BOUTEILLER: Some of European regulations are made in order to address HSE concerns. On the medium term, this should be translated into more emulsions produced. However, the industry should be more and more proactive, and have a specific care on quality as well as on R&D so that to meet the expectations of the Road Agencies.

Jean-Claude ROFFE (Guest): Specifications would always help!

Etienne LE BOUTEILLER: Specifications are meant to ease the exchanges between countries. The emulsion industry is a local industry; therefore, and from that perspective, there is no specific gain. However, it contributes to a better understanding between the European stakeholders, especially for the testing methods. At the European level, that helps for the development of new technologies, based on the same referential.

Mario JAIR (Guest): But?

François CHAIGNON RdF-SFERB: Specifications for bitumen emulsion are ok but for France is represented a lot of tests due to the tonnage… anyway, we will try in France to look at specs linked to the final use actually it is quite difficult to know what is going on in Europe on harmonized standards;

Anna D’ANGELO AfPA: Do you have specification of binder linked to performance of spray seal?
Etienne LE BOUTEILLER: Some performance-based specifications have been developed for surface treatment such as surface dressing and micro-surfacing. My understanding is that they are not that often used, as long as their implementation is rather complicated. At the end of the day, performance-based specifications always help.

Jean-Claude ROFFE(Guest):** The trends is to go to performance products specifications, once that could be achieved that helps to provide more confidence and increase the use of emulsion techniques.
Maria del Mar COLAS VICTORIA: They are in EN 13808

Click to see Abstract Gary Schofield

Use of modified emulsions for surface dressing in the UK

Etienne LE BOUTEILLER IBEF: Do you record failures in % and how to you implement corrective actions?
Gary SCHOFIELD: Generally, the either contractor or the client will monitor how the sites applied are performing. Any failures will reported as % of the full site. Investigation will identify the reason for the issue (like a root cause analysis). Remedial treatments will be agreed between the contractor and the client…depending on the outcome of the investigation. Remedial treatments will be applied once the weather conditions are conducive. Records are generally kept of failures in terms of m2 or % of full site.

François CHAIGNON RdF-SFERB: There are also European Norms (EN) for chip seals (surface dressing in Europe) and microsurfacing based on one year approach when contractors are in charge of everything from design to application.
but not all the EU countries use them!!

Gary SCHOFIELD: The processes used in the UK do fit within the scope of the European specifications. We apply all the requirements as such, including the Type Approval Installation Trials etc. However, the increased detail of the guidance note for design certainly helps with the success.

Etienne LE BOUTEILLER-IBEF: What types of modifiers do you use?
Gary SCHOFIELD: Within the UK there are generally two types of modifiers which are used. SBS modifiers which are added to the bituminous phase prior to emulsification and Latex modification, that are generally added to the solution phase prior to emulsification, or indeed the emulsion post emulsification. There may be other additive solutions which are utilised to enhance adhesion, flow properties etc, but the above materials are the most commonly applied in the UK.

Larry TOMKINS What type of emulsion would be a super-premium emulsion?
Gary SCHOFIELD: A Super Premium emulsion is a product whose recovered bitumen material exhibits a very cohesive nature. In terms of the European Standard testing, it exhibits a cohesion level according to EN13588 in excess of 1.4J/cm2. Whilst these materials are not a frequently used material in the UK, they are typically used on very stressful sites, or sites where there has been previous stress failures.

Jean-Claude ROFFE (Guest): Good example from Gary to reduce risks and increase the confidence.
Gary SCHOFIELD: Thank you, that is evidently the approach most UK contractors are taking to the design and application of surface dressing. Reducing risk and increasing the chance of success means remedial costs are minimized and confidence in the contractor increases, meaning there is a better chance to retain business.

François CHAIGNON RdF-SFERB: In France we saw the last years a strong move from hot applied bitumen to modified emulsion.
Gary SCHOFIELD: This is a route the UK took several years ago. At the time, there were probably several factors influencing this. One factor certainly was the Health and Safety risks of using hot applied bitumen cutbacks at temperatures above the flash point of the material, as we were using relatively low flash products at the time. Another key factor was that we were suffering a lot of softening of road surfaces, including sites that had been dressed for several years. This was an inevitable consequence of these oils used to cut back the bitumen remaining in place and not volatilising. Other factors, including the environmental aspects were talked about, and probably played some part in the decisions, although the former consideration was probably key.

Click to see Abstract Rosita MARTINEZ

Latest improvements in the use of emulsion in Mexico

Xavier GUYOT (Guest): Is there specification for trackless emulsion?
Rosita MARTINEZ: No, there is no specification for trackless emulsion included in the Mexican Standards. The Secretary of Communication and Transports, the agency responsible for developing the road standards, is currently working in updated the asphalt emulsions specifications and it will be included the trackless emulsion.
In the meantime, the Mexican Asphalt Association (AMAAC) published a Recommendable Practice of tack coat that includes the parameters required in these types of emulsion.

Larry TOMKINS (Guest): We have a couple different specifications in the US for trackless
Rosita MARTINEZ: In Mexico are going to be two specifications for trackless emulsions, one with polymers and the other one without polymers.

Azeem REMTULLA (Guest) SAMI: Engineering data with emulsions is very refreshing. It is good information.
Rosita MARTINEZ: Thank you for your comment.

Mario JAIR (Guest): One of the particularities of the Mexican market is that many contractors produce their own emulsions. Isn’t this true? Ccould this be one of the causes?
Rosita MARTINEZ: Yes, that is right. Some contractors produce their own emulsion.

Stephane CHARMOT INGEVITY: Good approach to document and share success stories and key benefits provided by emulsion based techniques.
Rosita MARTINEZ: Thank you for your comment.

Jean-Claude ROFFE (Guest): Great presentation Rosita, one of the success was the AMAAC certified body being put in place in Mexico to make the emulsion techniques being fully trusted.
Rosita MARTINEZ: Thank you. It is correct; the AMAAC has been making great efforts to train agencies and contractors in the different emulsion applications to assure successful applications. Among a significant amount of congress, seminars, and papers promoting the benefits of emulsion, based on a proactive maintenance approach that allows that the volume of emulsion keep steady or even increase over time..

Click to see Abstract Morne LABUSCHAGNE

Latest Developments in emulsions in South Africa

Etienne LE BOUTEILLER–IBEF: How the double spray bar system is developed in SA?
Morne LABUSCHAGNE: The double spray bar system technology was introduced in SA by Colas South Africa. The technology has been available in the Colas Group internationally and the intellectual property was transferred to Colas South Africa approximately 5 years ago. Since its introduction, Colas South Africa has been the only local binder supplier equipped to offer this technology. No additional developments in this regard has taken place..

Etienne LE BOUTEILLER–IBEF: Has SA given up with the use of tar?
Morne LABUSCHAGNE: Yes. Tar based road products are not used in South Africa. Although legislation does not prevent the use of tar based products, local Industry has taken a decision (more than 10 years ago) to not specify- nor promote the use of tar based road binders on local contracts. Tar based products are not available from any of the prominent local binder suppliers.

Alexander VIVONI (Guest) Mr. Labuschagne, can you tell us what is the catalist used on the secondary spray bar?
Morne LABUSCHAGNE: Unfortunately I am not in a position to answer. The information is confidential and the intellectual property of the Colas Group.

Mauricio SOUZA BETUNEL How is the cost impact of this catalyst material in cheap seal?
Morne LABUSCHAGNE: The incorporation of the catalyst indeed increases the final cost of the chip seal. However, since only a very small % of catalyst is required during the application of an emulsion via the double spray bar system, the increase in cost if not very significant. However, in theory, the chip seal can be opened to traffic sooner when making use of the double spray bar system compared to conventional application methods. This may lead to contracts being completed sooner than expected, possibly resulting in financial incentives for the contractor. From this point of view there may actually be a cost saving to the contractor (and no additional costs to the client) when making use if the double spray bar system during the construction of chip seals.

Xavier GUYOT TIPCO Asphalt – Same question about spec. for trackless tack coat in SA?
Morne LABUSCHAGNE: There is currently no specification for trackless tack coats in South Africa. However, Industry is aware of the need to develop a specification. Clients and suppliers current make use of a visual inspection/comparison to determine the degree of a tack coat’s tracklessness. Shear bond- and torque bond properties are also considered to be important factors (not only for trackless tack coats but for all tack coats).

Etienne LE BOUTEILLER–IBEF: How to assess the efficiency of bond coat on concrete pavement?
Morne LABUSCHAGNE: Shear bond- and torque bond strength testing is currently the popular methods in SA utilised for this evaluation, although no specification currently exists. The best fit for purpose tack coat for a specific contract is selected by comparing the Shear bond- and Torque bond strength values obtained during the evaluation of a selection of tack coats.

Emmanuel CORNET-IBEF: How future of bitumen availability in south Africa could impact emulsion?
Morne LABUSCHAGNE: Various bitumen storage facilities exist in SA where bitumen is stockpiled to ensure availability during planned maintenance shutdowns of local oil refineries. These facilities have also been used to reduce the impact of short-term unplanned refinery shutdowns.
A ‘’converter” is available in SA. To date the converter’s primary use was to produce harder bitumen grades from softer bitumen feedstock. However, since the end of 2020, bitumen production from alternative feedstocks are being investigated.
Bitumen has been previously imported (by means of sea freight) to reduce the impact of local bitumen shortages. This option can still be considered to alleviate the impact of possible future shortages.
The manufacture of emulsions from plant-based bitumen alternatives (for example, the material available from the Colas Group) has been previously investigated and showed promise. However, at the time, the high production costs of such emulsions were a major disadvantage.

Click to see Abstract Nuria UGUET CANAL

Half-warm mixes using emulsions

Dawid ŻYMEŁKA: What is the maximum time period from production to implementation for such mixes. How long is the mix workable?
Nuria UGUET CANAL: The workability of these mixtures varies according to the type of mixture. As a reference, for open graded mixes, the mix is workable up to 40 ºC while for closed mixes, the temperature is up to 60 ºC.

Jean-Claude ROFFE (Guest): Multisimas gracias Nuria, excellent example for the growth of emulsion techniques in the future to meet the sustainable goals and circular economy according to New Green Deal, Warm mixes based on emulsion are part of the great future of asphalt mixes especially on rehabilitation and maintenance we need all.
Nuria UGUET CANAL: I believe that half-warm mixes are an excellent choice and allow the incorporation of RAP up to 100%.

Stephane CHARMOT–INGEVITY: What is the traffic limit? How long do you need to cure the mat before opening to traffic?
Nuria UGUET CANAL: They can be used for roads with traffic of less than 2000 vehicles per day. Half-warm mixes do not need curing time, they can be opened to traffic when they have cooled down.

Alexander VIVONI (Guest): We’ve had a problem here in Rio de Janeiro (it made the news) with low skid resistance and accidents on wet pavement after a fog seal. How can this problem be avoided?
Nuria UGUET CANAL: I don’t think it was a problem that depends on how the mix was produced (half-warm, warm, cold or hot) but rather on the correct choice of aggregate and the type of asphalt mix in question (open graded, dense…).

Etienne LE BOUTEILLER–IBEF: What types of rejuvenators do you use, and how do you assess their efficiency?
Nuria UGUET CANAL: “No rejuvenators are incorporated into these half-warm asphalt mixtures. They are manufactured with emulsions that are specifically formulated for this application and their design is part of the emulsion manufacturer’s know-how.”

Click to see Abstract Kevin McGlumphy

Design and performance of fog seals

Etienne LE BOUTEILLER–IBEF: What are the climatic conditions needed for a successful project?
Kevin McGLUMPHY: In most instances you would not want standing water or rain during application. Also would want a forecast with no rain for 24-48 hours depending on the chemistry and package the local suppliers use for the products.

Etienne LE BOUTEILLER–IBEF: Recommendations for dilution?
Kevin McGLUMPHY: Maximum 50% emulsion 50% water but some products do not need diluted so refer to local suppliers. I prefer no dilution to make it easy on site.

Etienne LE BOUTEILLER–IBEF: One question answered!
Kevin McGLUMPHY: Depends on ambient temp, ambient humidity, and sun/shade. Many times, it can be less than 30 minutes for break and can open to traffic same day.

Kevin MAW–REA: Do you use this on newly applied surface dressing/chip seals and if so in what type of applications e.g. urban, rural?
Kevin McGLUMPHY: Yes, it is used on new chip seals frequently, on all applications (urban, rural, etc.). It is not needed on new hma, slurry or micro but highly recommend using early in the pavment life (early on the deterioration curve) to extend the initial performance of pavments into longer performance life cylcles.

Jean-Claude ROFFE (Invité): Lack of trust could be combatted by taking the example of the Spanish association as follow:
I just want to highlight that ATEB Board of Directors decided to prepare a draft manifesto of interest, which was finally approved and presented to the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, which would highlight the value of bituminous emulsion techniques as efficient and sustainable strategies for the conservation and construction of the Low Intensity Traffic Road network. Adequate conservation and increased durability of this road network is key to tackling this demographic challenge and combating depopulation, with an emphasis on road safety and the comfort of the vehicles which travel on it, thus favouring connectivity, economic and agricultural development, and education and health in these small towns and rural areas.

Francisco Jose LUCAS OCHOA-ATEB: Very agree with you dear Jean Claude

Maria del MarCOLAS VICTORIA-ATEB: Me too!

Nuria UGUET CANAL–ATEB: I also agree

Francisco Jose LUCAS OCHOA-ATEB: Perhaps Maria del Mar or Nuria can speak about it with more detail.

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