October 26-28, 2021 ISAET 2021
International Symposium on Asphalt Emulsion Technology 2021
The 2021 International Symposium on Asphalt Emulsion Technology (ISAET) brings together experts in our industry from across the world. With ever changing technology and new and evolving case studies, you won’t want to miss all that the 2021 ISAET has to offer!
Learn More About Our Presentations on Tuesday, Oct. 26th:
Asphalt Emulsion Markets Worldwide
Étienne le Bouteiller, IBEF
In 2019, bitumen emulsions worldwide volumes peaked at 8.7 million metric tons. Half of the volumes have been produced in 4 countries: USA, China, France and Mexico. For the last 7 years, the volumes have increased by 7%, thanks to a high contribution from Asia (+62%), especially China and India. The best players are Mexico, France and Brazil with an emulsion v/s bitumen ratio of 30% (average worldwide ratio: 7.8%). We may expect a higher growth in the years to come due the advantages brought by the emulsion techniques in terms of Health, Safety and Environment, and a true commitment from the industry to adequately promote such techniques.
Bio-based Emulsifier for CRS Emulsions
Claude Giorgi, EIFFAGE
The road industry works is the biggest consumer activity of materials. This strong consumption urged this sector to recycle its materials to make a new resource; which was one of the pioneers of the circular economy. EIFFAGE has been involved in the development of bio based alternative materials for a long time with the development in the 90’s of the first bio based flux oil. This product is now used on a daily basis.
Since then, new technical and societal challenges have arisen such as:
– compensation for the increasing variability of material
– increasing requirements of toxicological and environmental safety.
For that purpose, together with the ENSC Rennes in Brittany, EIFFAGE patented a bio-based (glycine betaine) rapid set emulsifier. This product is unique as being the only bio-based cationic emulsifier on the market. In 2016, the creation of SURFACTGREEN, an independent start-up company made it possible to industrially produce this new molecule according the 12 principle of the Green Chemistry. After different validation phases in EIFFGAE’s research Center and on the field the product is now being commercialized since 2019 and progressively used in different emulsion designs by EIFFAGE. This publication will trace back the synthesis of this new emulsifier, the challenges faced for its industrialization and the results of its application on the field used in tack coats and surface dressing de-signs in 2019.
Impact of Emulsion Type on Cold-in-Place Recycled Asphalt Mixtures
Dr. Elie Hajj, University of Nevada, Reno
Cold in-place recycling (CIR) of asphalt pavements is a process that has successfully been used for many years. Regardless of its good performance and positive sustainability, the performance characteristics of CIR have not been developed. CIR mixtures designed with different emulsion types and lime slurry levels are evaluated for dynamic modulus, repeated load triaxial, and flexural beam fatigue testing over a range of temperature and loading conditions. In addition, the reflective cracking characteristics of the CIR mixtures were evaluated in terms cycles to failure, crack initiation, and crack propagation.
High Float Emulsions Residue: Its Unique Rheology and Microstructure
Justin Suda, McAsphalt Industries Limited
Despite the clear benefits of high-float (HF) emulsions, current formulations are not optimized. This presentation is the result of a detailed study of the rheology of HF residues. The most notable feature of this material is its yield stress, which can be quantified using a stress-ramp procedure. Presented originally at the Canadian Technical Asphalt Association Conference in 2016, this work went on to win the prestigious Earl Kee Award.
AEMA or IBEF member: 150 $
Non-member : 250 $