The Asociación Mexicana del Asfalto, through quality procedures, carries out research activities, technological development, consultancy and technical training to enable those responsible for the construction and maintenance of Mexican roads to perform with the necessary quality to achieve comfort and safety of the pavement user, continuous improvement of the SGC procedures.

Dr. Mauricio Centeno Ortiz
President AMAAC
- Camino a Santa Teresa No. 187
Parque del Pedregal – Delegación Tlalpan
Mexico CP 14010
Mexico - Office: +52 555 528 67 37
- +52 55 5528 8455
- Fax: +52 555 606 79 62

Raúl Vicente Orozco Escoto
Director General
- Camino a Santa Teresa No. 187
Parque del Pedregal – Delegación Tlalpan
Mexico CP 14010
Mexico - Office: +52 555 528 67 37
- +52 55 5528 8455
- Fax: +52 555 606 79 62