This stage of degradation usually appears after initial cracking of the wearing course. Material is subsequently worn out of the surface layer, the defects widen and deepen throughout the whole layer and become potholes allowing further damage to progress into underlying structural layers.

This has the following effects:

  • Surface water collecting in cracks and potholes and subsequently penetrating into the pavement structural layers below.
  • Rapid increase of the extent of damage.


  • emergency repairs
  • crack treatment before they develop into potholes.


Storable Asphalt Mixes

Storable asphalt mixes are intended for the routine maintenance of pavements (localized repair, patch work etc.) or for small works.

Grave Emulsion

Grave Emulsion is used for small maintenance, reprofiling, reinforcement and in new road bases.

Asphalt concrete with bitumen emulsions

Asphalt concrete with bitumen emulsion for wearing courses